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Asha Bhonsle in Kuwait - A chat with the Editor for Kuwait Times Spectrum Alex Fernandes

umber of songs I have sung. And, matter of factly, I feel he is right with is statistics. 

Alex Fernandes : If you don't mind a personal question about Latadidi. Is it true that Latadidi has sung more songs than you ? 

Asha : (heaving a sigh, she puts off the question and amicably states that she wouldn't like to comment.) It is left to your imagination to guess. 

Alex Fernandes : Do you think the statistics for your songs are right ? 

Asha : To be frank, I really don't know the exact figure, but I can assume that Rafisaab and Kishoresaab are far behind by a margin of some 4,000-5,000 odd songs. But, as to Latadidi, I feel there's no one to beat her record in the musical field. 

Alex Fernandes : You are a versatile singer. You can belt out any song, whether it is folk, classical, pop, jazz, devotional, ghazal or mujra, with great precision. But Latadidi cannot sing pop or fast numbers like how you pick up the tempo of the rhythm so fast. What would you say about this ? 

Asha : Latadidi is more powerful than I am where singing is concerned. In fact, I have inherited a lot of my singing prowess from her. She is my teacher and I feel very proud to announce to the world that I am Latadidi's sister. As for her not singing pop or mujra numbers, I really don't know. I feel she was not approached by any of the music directors to do it for them. Otherwise 'Didi' is great. 

Alex Fernandes : Ustad Ali Akbar Khan has selected you specially to learn and perform rare historical compositions from the roots of his Seni gharana. Why ? 

Asha : Firstly, I feel very proud about this top honour and I appreciate it and would like to encourage all upcoming singers in India and abroad not to lose ho .....

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